“What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?” -Henry David Thoreau
Every year Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd april .Lets have a look at the history behind this celebration :
Why we started Celebrating the Earth Day ?
Founded in 1970, as a day of education about environmental issues, this year will mark as the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day. This is now a global celebration that’s sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green living. Earth Day basically began as a “national teach-in on the environment” . By raising public awareness ,the aim was to bring environmental causes into the national spotlight.
What's special about Earth Day,2021?
Every year ,Earth Day is being celebrated in various ways ,all round the globe . But this year is not like any other year .We are still under the clutches of the Pandemic ,just waiting for things to be normal .
But Just like everything else the Pandemic has taught us celebrations will not be the same ...
How we are celebrating Earth Day at Goltikli?
Take Care of Yourself:
Yes that's right this is one of the most important things ,to celebrate yourself.Being in the pandemic situation for more than a year has taken a toll on our mental healths as well .And what would be better for you than to connect with Nature .Something as simple as Taking a walk in the Park has proven effects as Up-lifting our Moods.Dress Up ,go for a Walk out with your pets ,kids or maybe by yourself.For sure to have super-Relaxing Effects .
People :
People are such an important part of our lives and on the planet .Right now is the time to take a break and connect withyour Friends and Family.Yes we are in a lockdown and its not possible to have gatherings ,but definitely does not stop us to pick up our phones and connect with people ,especially when social distancing is so important .Remember when you had to rush out to work and found impossible to connect .Connect with that friend now .Definitely will make a difference.
Avoid Food Wastage :
These are times of scarcity and making use of limited resources is the call of the hour.Eat in Smaller Portions .Try new recipes using leftovers .Revisit your culinary Skills
One of the best things we can do is to direct our innovation and creativity toward repurposing and upcycling stuff we’ve already got. Note: We at Goltikli believe in sustainable packaging and all our packaging is RE-usable .Use some of our Goltikli Packaging and create beautiful DIYs.Guess this would be one of our future Posts.
Unplugging our devices will help us connect in another way -with ourselves.Few hours of turning off screen can have a real positive effect on our minds and body. Maybe you can pick up a musical instrument, a board game or paint that potrait . Grab your kids and have a nice Dance (This is how we have been actually connecting with our 8 month old!!). Touch the physical world. Rich textures, smells, tastes and sounds necessary to our mental well-being are found beyond the screen. Gaze the Stars up above and feel yourself as part of the infinite Universe.
Learn :
Spend some time with yourself and educate yourself.Does not need to be something complex ,could be something as simple as glass painting or learning to bake.Now is the time to get started.
Grow a plant:
Nothing can be more pleasing than the smell of wet soil . There is something truly magical about plants and watching it grow.
At the end ,whatever you decide to do ,enjoy yourselves and don't forget to Shop Local :)
Happy Earth Day ..